Go to Chihuahua Rescue Victoria web page.

Pet Exchange Register Source Number (Victoria): RE100224.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Please note that this dog is not available for adoption. Click here to view the doggies that are currently available for adoption.

We received this letter today, and out hearts are aching tonight.  Our deepest sympathy and thoughts are with you at this time.


As you may recall, Chico joined our family in April 2011 and was a great companion to Bob.  Bob passed away a year ago today, at 15 years of age.  Chico was heartbroken at losing Bob and found himself in emergency a few days later with fluid on the lungs.  Chico was a beautiful, placid dog who loved nothing more than belly rubs from Darryl and sitting on my lap.  He was patient and cooperative over the last year, as we did all we could to keep him well.  He also did his best to keep his sense of humour when we bought a puppy – Teddy – home last September who we hoped would learn many of Chico’s good habits.  We are honoured to have had Chico in our life, and would like to thank you for your part in making that possible.

We have a small amount of Chico’s heart medication left (only a few weeks) which we would like to pass on to you as we understand that it is expensive, and that you may have a little puppy in your care who needs it.   What is the best way for us to get this to you?

Are you also able to advise if there is anything that you need for the care of the Chihuahuas, as Darryl and I would like to make a contribution in Chico’s name?

We will also soon be looking for another companion for Teddy – who has been a bit of a handful over the last week – soon.  We would be grateful if you could please keep us in mind if a placid, gentle boy around 6 or 7 comes your way.  In any event, we always keep an eye on your Facebook feed.

Thanks again Rita for all your hard work looking after the Chihuahuas.

Please note that this dog is not available for adoption. Click here to view the doggies that are currently available for adoption.

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