Go to Chihuahua Rescue Victoria web page.

Pet Exchange Register Source Number (Victoria): RE100224.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Please note that this dog is not available for adoption. Click here to view the doggies that are currently available for adoption.

Robin is a 13 1/2 year old Albino Chihuahua X whose Mummy passed very suddenly.  He is VERY overweight and desires nothing more than a soft bed and good food!  He has the beginnings of a slight heart murmer probably caused by too much good food, and lack of exercise over the last five years.  He gets on well with everyone, bless him! His price is $100

Saturday, 30th of September
Robin really did find his loving forever home and we are so glad. Read about Robin's Chihuahua Rescue Victoria Success Story!

Please note that this dog is not available for adoption. Click here to view the doggies that are currently available for adoption.

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